Art for Cure
ONLINE from 6pm on Thursday 7th May
The Art For Cure team are very excited to welcome you to ‘The Big 100 Artists Exhibition 2020’ and open the gallery door!
Enjoy the incredible scope of art from 100 British artists all supporting our charity with their generous commission from sales.
If you have ANY questions about an artwork please e-mail or for sculpture
Thank you so much for supporting Art For Cure, raising money for leading national breast cancer research and supporting breast cancer services here in East Anglia through these challenging times.
Belinda Gray (Founder) , Nick Crocker (Sculpture Curator), Sarah Stephens (PR and Marketing) , Emma Kindred (IT and web design/ and our brilliant event team!
Art for Cure ONLINE!
After the hugely successful 2016 & 2018 Art for Cure Exhibitions, we are thrilled and delighted that Art for Cure have brilliantly adapted to take their exhibition ONLINE over the first May Bank Holiday weekend in 2020!
The first art and sculpture exhibition, held at Bredfield House in 2014, raised a staggering £100,000 in just one weekend and donated it to the chosen charity, Breakthrough Breast Cancer to help in its battle to fight breast cancer; a disease that organisers' Belinda and Sally have been successfully treated for in the last four years.
Art for Cure 2020 is expected to be an even greater success and will be going ONLINE from Thursday 7th May at 6pm!.
There will be over 100 artists and sculptors exhibiting! Works will be a specially curated selection of nationally renowned artists as well as from Suffolk’s wealth of local talent.